
Hi! 😃

My name is Debjyoti Mondal. I’m a Research and Development Engineer at Samsung.
And I like a lot of things.


Work Experience

  • Samsung Research Institute, Bangalore
         Research and Development Engineer ~ June 2022 - Present
         I work in the Natural Language Understanding team. Helping models reason and maintaining a few key modules in the Bixby pipeline.
         How are we doing? Can’t say much, but check this out.

     Student Trainee ~ May - July 2021 📜
     Worked on the interpretability of Language Models for Intent Classification and Slot Tagging tasks.
     Used Language Interpretability Tool (LIT) and Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME).

  • NxTechWorks Consulting Pvt. Ltd., Pune
         Machine Learning Intern ~ Dec 2020 - Jan 2021 📜
         I developed a generic object detection and localization framework.
         And also some OCR apps for template based info extraction.
         Hehe, this was fun - implemented deskew and denoise for scans using Hough transform and Thresholding.


  • Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
         Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering ~ July 2018 - May 2022


  • KAM-CoT: Knowledge Augmented Multimodal Chain-of-Thoughts Reasoning 📄
         We introduce knowledge graphs as a new modality, keeping the graph structure intact.
         With 2 graph convolutional layers as the KGEncoder, our method gains a deeper contextual udnerstanding of text,
         therefore reducing hallucinations and enhancing the quality of answers.

     Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024

Some cool projects

  • Modeling Chaotic Epidemic Models on FPGAs - Bachelor’s Thesis
         This was a general procedure to implement Chaotic Models.
         I used Euler’s Forward method to discretize continuous-time differential equations,
         then generated RTL Schematics and compared the resources used.
         Ahaa! And using this, I studied period-doubling bifucations & got to the Figenbaum constant
         with the logistic map and the Genesio-Tesi attractor. Be sure to watch this. It’s pretty.

  • Neural Style Transfer
         Implemented the paper, Artistic Style Transfer, by Gatys Leon.

  • Plant Pathology - FGVC7 Kaggle Competition
         Developed classification models to identify foliar diseases in apple trees. Used an ensemble of ResNet50 and EfficientNetB7.

  • Deep Dream
         Implementation of the DeepDream algorithm. Extracts features from InceptionV3, and using gradient ascent over iterations, enhances trippy patterns in the input image.